Contract management

Control of your and your customers' agreements

Contract management

Contract Management System -
Get an overview of all agreements!

Note file contract management is not an archive where you upload your agreements. This is a web-based, user-friendly portal for creating agreements, receiving reminders, uploading documents, entering activities, calculations, etc. This is directly connected to CRM the part. Choose for yourself if you want to use both or just one separately.

Our digital systems are adapted to how you want your process to look. It collects all agreements on one and the same platform. This leads to paperless contract management. By collecting your agreements in Notyfile's agreement management system, you can see what status the agreements have, when a signature was made or who should be reminded to renegotiate.

The common thread in Notyfile is ease of use and that all parts should feel simple. Agreements can feel boring and take low priority, but not with Notyfile.

Notyfiles helps you gain full control over agreements and commitments and improves the overview and streamlines administrative workflows.

Create agreement

The first step is to create an agreement. In 1 minute you have created the first agreement.

Here you can create your own contract types depending on what services or products your company sells.


When an agreement passes the date for renegotiation, a reminder is sent automatically in the form of an email.

When this email ends up in the inbox, it's time to contact your customer or supplier for renegotiation.


When renegotiation is done, the agreement automatically ends up in the right place in the list and lies dormant until the next renegotiation.

This way you don't have to keep track of customers/suppliers yourself!